Sunday, November 30, 2008

Governor's Message

Thank you to Lucinda Kasperson and her committee and the presenters for a very successful Financial Planning in Uncertain Times session. Anyone with questions about planned giving should contact Lucinda or one of the committee members. They're happy to provide information on creative ways to help The Rotary Foundation.

Our district match for contributions to The Rotary Foundation's Annual Giving Fund is drawing to a close soon ( Contributions need to be submitted before the end of December to be eligible for matches.

It's also a good time to send in whatever funds your club has raised for PolioPlus. The Global Contribution Form is at Be sure to check the box for PolioPlus to ensure proper crediting.

It's cooled off here but it's still sunny and warm in Arizona. Andy and I are hoping many of you will join us at the Tucson Fellowship Retreat ( in January. It'll be a fun break from Illinois weather!

The deadline for reserving a room in the district venue, Jury's Inn Birmingham, for the Rotary International Convention in June ( is December 5th. Please call Stan Sherman now to reserve your space.

The Past District Governors' Council will meet in early February. By that time our district will have chosen its governor for 2011 - 2012 ( If your club plans to nominate a candidate, make sure the application is in my hands by January 1st.

We're not quite halfway through this Rotary year but we're already planning for next year. Training in our district will begin January 31st with the club presidents-elect, to be followed by other sessions ( Your club should have your new officers in place before the end of this calendar year ( Please report the results of your club elections to both the district and Rotary International.

As we move into the holiday season for many people, I thank all of you for the work you do to bring about peace on earth. I hope this season is a happy one for each of you.

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