Thursday, December 4, 2008

Circularization and Commercialization

Rotary International's Code of Policies prohibits using a Rotary membership list as a mailing (or emailing) list for a non-Rotary purpose.

Because our district’s membership directory is online and it is not possible to include the required notice below as required by the Rotary International Code of Policies, we include it here and periodically publish it in our newsletter for your information. These policies concern circularization or the solicitation of Rotarians and Rotary clubs for organizational or commercial solicitation purposes. If you have a question about how you can use a Rotary club or district membership directory, please consult your club's board of directors.

11.030. Circularization

11.030.1.…it is not permissible for a Rotarian to circularize Rotary clubs or other Rotarians on matters affecting his or her individual business interests.

11.030.4. Club and District Directories

Any club or district publishing a directory shall publish in that directory a notice to the effect that the directory is not for distribution to non-Rotarians nor may it be used as a commercial mailing list. (November 2004 Mg., Bd. Dec. 59)

Source: June 1936 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 275; Amended by November 2004 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 59

The full policy is available at

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