Monday, December 29, 2008

We'll Be Spreading the Good News with a PR Grant from Rotary International

Gov. Pam Kerr was notified on December 22 that a 2008-09 Rotary International PR grant has been awarded to District 6440. The district is fortunate to have been chosen from among the more than half of all the Rotary districts worldwide that applied for PR grants this year. The $10,000 grant must be used in the two-fold campaign described in our grant application. That campaign includes a printed insert in the Chicago-area Pioneer Press newspapers in March, and billboards.

The purpose of the insert is to reach people living in communities throughout our district who are potential members of one of our clubs, and those who will help support our club’s local projects and worldwide projects including Ending Polio Now.

The printed insert will include information about local clubs and the district, and it will contain at least two of the Rotary International-created Humanity In Motion promotional materials. To make this a viable project we need your input and participation now with information, stories and photos of your good work so that we can prepare the area-specific copy for the insert.
The written content for the insert will include, among other things:

· Local and international projects undertaken by clubs in our Rotary district
· Highlights of our District Humanitarian hands-on trips to Guatemala
· Youth Exchange, GSE and Scholarship programs and opportunities within District 6440
· The End Polio Now activities undertaken by our clubs
· The benefits of membership in Rotary

The insert will also contain advertising. Of course, Rotarians and clubs will be offered the opportunity to place advertisements in their targeted local area inserts. However, the advertising is not restricted to, or dependent upon, Rotarian participation.

The second part of the grant is for billboard advertising. The billboards will tell the story of District 6440 Rotarians working to make a difference in the community and the world. The billboards will display the RI-generated Humanity in Motion materials to an audience of thousands using the network of highways that intersect all portions of District 6440.

This dual PR campaign is designed to reach residents of the metropolitan Chicago area outside of the city limits. However, we expect to reach a broader national and potentially international audience, dependent upon billboard availability within the district near O’Hare.

Please sent all photos and club information to Judy Hughes at so your club will be included in the insert.

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