Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Vocational Scholarships Reminder

The District Vocational Scholarships Committee reminds you that applications may be submitted until mid-March. This is the perfect time to find qualified applicants in your community who will benefit from this program. There is no direct cost to your club to participate, so why not identify someone whose life may be changed by the scholarship?

More information is available at and on the district web site (

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Governor Pam's message

January is the middle of the Rotary year, but it's a good chance to take stock of what you've accomplished and to reenergize your club to do even more in the remaining half of the Rotary year. Each service director should be evaluating his or her team's progress and making mid-course adjustments to be sure to meet your goals. Plenty of help is available from the district; please consult your Assistant Governor to get whatever assistance will make a difference for your club.

Club presidents, do you know that your successor can't take office until he or she has completed the training required by Rotary International? Please help District Governor Elect Bill Ferreira by ensuring that your president-elect is participating in Pre-PETS on January 31st, PETS on March 13 and 14, and the District Assembly April 25th. Not only will this strengthen your club, it will also ensure that you are able to leave office on July 1st!

District Simplified Grants are easy ways to impact your community. Applications are due soon but are truly simple to prepare, so it's something for your club to consider. The grants are intended to help with short-term humanitarian or educational projects and the application is available at

Thanks in large part to the hard work of District Public Relations Chair Judy Hughes, District 6440 has been chosen to receive Rotary International's PR Grant for $10,000. Imagine the visibility this grant will give us. But to do the most good, Judy needs to hear from you. Please respond to her plea at

Thank you to all of you for what you do through Rotary. I wish you continued success in the new year, along with good health, happiness and lots of fellowship!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome, New Rotarians!

Welocome to these Rotarians who have recently joined clubs in our district: Michele Kinzler (Geneva); Steve Goranson (Evanston Lighthouse); and Wendy Thornton (Glenview-Sunrise).

We'll Be Spreading the Good News with a PR Grant from Rotary International

Gov. Pam Kerr was notified on December 22 that a 2008-09 Rotary International PR grant has been awarded to District 6440. The district is fortunate to have been chosen from among the more than half of all the Rotary districts worldwide that applied for PR grants this year. The $10,000 grant must be used in the two-fold campaign described in our grant application. That campaign includes a printed insert in the Chicago-area Pioneer Press newspapers in March, and billboards.

The purpose of the insert is to reach people living in communities throughout our district who are potential members of one of our clubs, and those who will help support our club’s local projects and worldwide projects including Ending Polio Now.

The printed insert will include information about local clubs and the district, and it will contain at least two of the Rotary International-created Humanity In Motion promotional materials. To make this a viable project we need your input and participation now with information, stories and photos of your good work so that we can prepare the area-specific copy for the insert.
The written content for the insert will include, among other things:

· Local and international projects undertaken by clubs in our Rotary district
· Highlights of our District Humanitarian hands-on trips to Guatemala
· Youth Exchange, GSE and Scholarship programs and opportunities within District 6440
· The End Polio Now activities undertaken by our clubs
· The benefits of membership in Rotary

The insert will also contain advertising. Of course, Rotarians and clubs will be offered the opportunity to place advertisements in their targeted local area inserts. However, the advertising is not restricted to, or dependent upon, Rotarian participation.

The second part of the grant is for billboard advertising. The billboards will tell the story of District 6440 Rotarians working to make a difference in the community and the world. The billboards will display the RI-generated Humanity in Motion materials to an audience of thousands using the network of highways that intersect all portions of District 6440.

This dual PR campaign is designed to reach residents of the metropolitan Chicago area outside of the city limits. However, we expect to reach a broader national and potentially international audience, dependent upon billboard availability within the district near O’Hare.

Please sent all photos and club information to Judy Hughes at so your club will be included in the insert.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

District Simplified Grants Money Available

Funds remain for clubs which wish to apply for a DSG. This year, clubs who are current on paperwork from prior DSGs and who have sufficient contributions to The Rotary Foundation can apply for a second grant. Remember this money belongs to your club and can be used within your local community to promote the Rotary's mission of Service Above self. Funds are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Humanitarian Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 to approve completed applications received by that time. Please be sure to have your paperwork to Charlotte Ogorek no later than Friday, January 9, 2009. Any questions can be addressed to Charlotte at 847-823-6191 (phone), 847-823-0382 (fax) or We look forward to reviewing your application!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Rotarian Mentions Us!

The January issue of The Rotarian magazine includes advice on how to get a Foundation grant (page 39). In that article, Rotarians Raymond Zeiss (Wilmette) and Robert Lyon (Wheaton) are spotlighted. Both Rotarians received help from the District Humanitarian Grants Committee when their clubs were looking for money from The Rotary Foundation.

The Humanitarian Grants Committee is there to help every club in the district. Be sure to call on them when you're working on a Foundation grant.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tax Law Changes in 2009

There is a requirement that, at age 70 1/2, people with an IRA must make a minimum distribution from their IRA, even if they don't need the income. This can impact their tax bracket and result in paying tax on a distribution (income) they may not need.

But, there is a new law impacting people who have an IRA and have reached age 70 1/2. the new law permits individuals to make up to a $100,000.00 donation to a charity WITHOUT PAYING TAX on that money. For example, if you find yourself in this position, you could choose to make up to a $100,000 gift to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. This would meet the required minimum distribution without boosting your adjusted gross income and thus incurring extra income tax. And, since this donation gets tax benefits without being claimed as a deduction (you can't get tax credit in multiple ways), it makes good sense to use it before year end. (This provision disappears in 2010)- - This is for the 2008 and 2009 tax years only. - - It can only be done by a third party and the owner of the IRA cannot take possession of the distribution. - - It must be transferred from the IRA directly to the charity.

For more information contact Lucinda Kasperson, Permanent Fund Chair, District 6440 ( or 847-272-7275).

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kosi River Flooding Relief

District Governor Pam Kerr recently received this letter from the president of Rotary International and the chair of the Rotary Foundation Trustees:

We are deeply saddened to hear of the recent Kosi River and related flooding in India. Past RI President Raja Saboo has been working with Rotarian leaders in India to assess the situation and assist in coordinating relief and recovery efforts. To learn of this catastrophe that has taken the lives of more than 350 people and has affected the lives of millions is devastating.

We understand that this has been a time of numerous disasters and we are touched by the commitment of Rotarians to assist affected communities in Haiti, Turks and Caicos, and Texas and Louisiana with relief and recovery efforts following Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricanes Gustav, Ike and Hanna. We thank you for your dedication to helping these communities during a time of such need.

We realize that news of the Kosi River and related flooding after torrential rainfall from heavy monsoons that caused a dam to burst in southern Nepal was not widely reported in some countries due to these other disasters. However, Rotarians in India are calling out for assistance, and given the challenge of sending contributions to India due to currency restrictions, we are writing with information about how you may work through Rotary to make a contribution toward alleviating this humanitarian crisis. To learn of the magnitude of this disaster and how local clubs are assisting with relief efforts, we encourage you to read the news story that RI Communications staff has posted to the RI Web site.

Although Rotary International does not have a fund to provide immediate relief to individuals in times of disaster, RI’s International Service Programs section provides resources regarding club and district disaster relief efforts on the RI Web site. Staff have been working with clubs in India to post projects on Rotary’s RI projects database, ProjectLINK. Rotarians wishing to contribute funds and/or donated goods directly to club and district relief projects may visit the Web site for opportunities to work with Rotarians in the affected areas. (Please note that contributions do not qualify for Rotary Foundation recognition of any kind.) Contributions to support relief and recovery efforts for the Kosi River flooding projects posted on ProjectLINK can be sent through RI, and staff will work with the India International Office to ensure that funds are received by the local clubs implementing projects.

We also encourage you to work with organizations such as UNICEF and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Doctors Without Borders and the grassroots Rotary project, ShelterBox, to meet the immediate needs of victims affected by these disasters.

It is our hope that with your meaningful and rapid response to this appeal, you will be able to help rebuild the future for thousands of innocent people impacted by these crises. Thank you for your commitment to helping disaster victims. It is Rotarians like you who truly "Make Dreams Real."

D.K. Lee, President
Rotary International

Jonathan B. Majiyagbe, Trustee Chairman
The Rotary Foundation

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

RYLA is an incredibly popular program among young people. Your club can help a teenager have the experience of working with his or her peers to develop leadership skills by sponsoring that person for one of the upcoming conferences (March 12 - 15, 2009 and April 9 - 12, 2009).

With applications due by February 15th, now is the time to identify candidates. Please review the information at and look for prospective participants. You could change a life!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Circularization and Commercialization

Rotary International's Code of Policies prohibits using a Rotary membership list as a mailing (or emailing) list for a non-Rotary purpose.

Because our district’s membership directory is online and it is not possible to include the required notice below as required by the Rotary International Code of Policies, we include it here and periodically publish it in our newsletter for your information. These policies concern circularization or the solicitation of Rotarians and Rotary clubs for organizational or commercial solicitation purposes. If you have a question about how you can use a Rotary club or district membership directory, please consult your club's board of directors.

11.030. Circularization

11.030.1.…it is not permissible for a Rotarian to circularize Rotary clubs or other Rotarians on matters affecting his or her individual business interests.

11.030.4. Club and District Directories

Any club or district publishing a directory shall publish in that directory a notice to the effect that the directory is not for distribution to non-Rotarians nor may it be used as a commercial mailing list. (November 2004 Mg., Bd. Dec. 59)

Source: June 1936 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 275; Amended by November 2004 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 59

The full policy is available at

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Guatemala Trip Openings

From February 29th to March 9th, people from our district will be working in Ak' Tenamit, Guatemala, on a service trip. The trip filled up quickly, but there are now two openings. Please read the information at to see if you'd like to join the group. Past trips have proven to be rewarding experiences for the Rotarians, family members and friends who've done so much to help people on the east coast of Guatemala.

Rotary International Presidential Membership Conference

The 2008 - 2009 Rotary International Presidential Membership Conference will be held in the Phoenix area January 10 & 11, 2009. Current Rotary President D. K. Lee and incoming President Ray Klinginsmith will attend, along with Past President Cliff Dochterman and other membership experts.

This conference is open to any Rotarian interested in helping Rotary grow. With agenda items like "Regional Membership Trends," "How to Become a Younger Rotary" and "Sharing the Best Practices," it should be a great event. It will take place at the Hilton - Phoenix East - Mesa.

Please visit for all the details.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Governor's Message

Thank you to Lucinda Kasperson and her committee and the presenters for a very successful Financial Planning in Uncertain Times session. Anyone with questions about planned giving should contact Lucinda or one of the committee members. They're happy to provide information on creative ways to help The Rotary Foundation.

Our district match for contributions to The Rotary Foundation's Annual Giving Fund is drawing to a close soon ( Contributions need to be submitted before the end of December to be eligible for matches.

It's also a good time to send in whatever funds your club has raised for PolioPlus. The Global Contribution Form is at Be sure to check the box for PolioPlus to ensure proper crediting.

It's cooled off here but it's still sunny and warm in Arizona. Andy and I are hoping many of you will join us at the Tucson Fellowship Retreat ( in January. It'll be a fun break from Illinois weather!

The deadline for reserving a room in the district venue, Jury's Inn Birmingham, for the Rotary International Convention in June ( is December 5th. Please call Stan Sherman now to reserve your space.

The Past District Governors' Council will meet in early February. By that time our district will have chosen its governor for 2011 - 2012 ( If your club plans to nominate a candidate, make sure the application is in my hands by January 1st.

We're not quite halfway through this Rotary year but we're already planning for next year. Training in our district will begin January 31st with the club presidents-elect, to be followed by other sessions ( Your club should have your new officers in place before the end of this calendar year ( Please report the results of your club elections to both the district and Rotary International.

As we move into the holiday season for many people, I thank all of you for the work you do to bring about peace on earth. I hope this season is a happy one for each of you.

End Polio Now Newsletter

Sign up to receive the quarterly e-newsletter from RI with the latest information about End Polio Now at:

From the latest newsletter, we learn that as of 16 September 2008, the polio endemic countries accounted for 1,102 of the 1,173 new cases of polio worldwide this year. Unfortunately, the 71 cases of polio in the non-endemic countries account for more than all the cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan combined and underscore the the seriousness of importation of new cases from neighboring countries as people move across borders. India and Nigeria continue to be the countries with the most cases.

The newsletter is filled with information that will help us achieve our efforts to meet the $100 million dollar Gates Challenge. There are inspiring stories of Rotarians and clubs across the globe whose individual giving, projects and events are making a difference to help us meet the challenge by the year 2010. Some of the projects may inspire you to start a similar project in your club. Remember too, the district website ( has a list of District 6440 club projects. To see the current newsletter, which is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Korean go to:

In the two months since the most recent newsletter was published, the cases of polio have increased and now surpass those reported in 2007. The World Health Organization reports that as of 28 November 2008 there are now 1510 cases, with 100 of them in non-endemic countries.

The importance of the End Polio Now effort is reinforced by the rise of nearly 200 cases this year as compared to the cases last year – and the year is not yet ended. Polio has long been gone from our shores yet the threat of polio remains just an airplane ride away. Do your part to help Rotary End Polio Now.

For the latest Polio information go to

Friday, November 28, 2008

District Simplified Grants

The Humanitarian Committee will meet on December 9, 2008 to approve DSG requests received prior to that time. If your club is planning a Christmas celebration for the needy in your community or any other holiday event that would qualify for DSG funding, please be sure to get your applications to Charlotte Ogorek prior to that meeting. DSG requests must be approved PRIOR to beginning your project in order to receive funding.

REMEMBER, THIS MONEY BELONGS TO YOUR CLUB and you should use it within your community. This is your opportunity to spread the Rotary banner (remember, it is time to let our light shine) and our mission of Service above Self. Money will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. We look forward to approving your DSG request on December 9, 2008.

New Members

Welcome to these people who've recently joined clubs in our district: Ryan Farrell (Cary-Grove); Vincent Thomas (Evanston Lighthouse); Erin Denk (Woodstock Morning); Richard Rosen (Wheeling); Michael Deagle and Kathy Melone (Geneva); David Gallagher (Northbrook); and Paul O’Connor, Eli Shereshovech III and Dale Truding (Arlington Heights Sunrise).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nominations for District Governor 2011-2012

Any club wishing to nominate a candidate for District Governor 2011 - 2012 must have a completed application turned in to District Governor Pam Kerr before midnight, January 1, 2009.

Interviews for the position will be held in Itasca on Monday evening, January 12, 2009. All applicants must be available for the interviews.

The District Governor application form is a Word document that may be downloaded from the District 6440 website ( Log in using your ID and password (choose forgot password if you do not know your login ID). Go to the Admin Page, Home Page Editing, Documents Download where you will see the application in a list of downloadable documents.

Make Your Reservations Now

The Rotary International Convention in Birmingham, England will be here sooner than you think. Reservations at the hotel holding rooms for our district must be made by December 5th. Please call Stan Sherman now if you'd like to stay with your friends from District 6440. With the dollar growing stronger it's a good time to consider making this trip.

More information is available at

Club Election Time

Rotary International's deadline for holding and reporting club elections is December 31.

The names of the presidents and secretaries, as well as meeting places and times, need to be sent to R.I. via for the Official Directory. Current secretaries should file the form.

District reporting should be done via the Admin Page on the district website ( It can be done by either the current president or secretary.

The district uses the ClubRunner listing to send materials to the various officers. Without the information, presidents will be sent everything, and have to redistribute it.

Annual Giving Fund Match Available

Our district's program to match gifts of $500 or more to The Rotary Foundation's Annual Giving Fund comes to a close on December 31st. See for details and submit your contributions now. Matching points are still available.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Vocational Scholarships

Many clubs in the district are aware of the 25 Vocational Scholarships that will be awarded in April 2009. What every club needs to know is that it is eligible to participate in this program and submit two candidates to the selection committee. If your club has never participated before it should be good news to you that the process is simple. The instructions, application form and requirements are available on the district website ( under the Vocational Service tab. Your club needs to get the application to the high schools in your area and solicit candidates, usually through the counselor's office.

There are several important things to remember when beginning this process. The District Committee will not accept any applications for four-year schools offering Bachelor Degree Programs. This program is strictly for two-year programs (Associate Degree) or a trade certificate. You have to determine deadlines and stick to them. The District Vocational Committee will accept applications up to March 15. That means that your club must declare a submission deadline at the school and still have time to interview the candidates before you turn the application(s) in to the district. You will want to do this to determine your two best candidates and also prepare them for a future interview at the district level. Please take the time to participate in this important program that will assist a very deserving person in their pursuit of higher education.

Applications and information are available to download at the District Website, under Vocational Service (

In addition, if anyone in your club is interested in serving on the Vocational Scholarship Committee, please contact Sandy Frum at Interviews will be conducted in April. More information on this will be forthcoming.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Membership Development: A Continuing Education

Sometimes words are just words, and sometimes words are the sparks needed to start a fire!

We have a large selection of writings on membership recruitment, development, and expansion for your perusing pleasure. They are listed under “Membership Resources” in the district web site ( Check any of the Zone Newsletters for expert advice. Be creative and modify the ideas presented to suit your club’s needs.

Remember: Membership growth is everybody’s job!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

End Polio Now

Part of the goal for the End Polio Now District 6440 Committee is to raise community awareness. There are many ways do this, and clubs throughout the District have been actively engaged in End Polio Now activities. To see what other clubs have already done check the district website and click on the End Polio Now link.

Another awareness effort can be found on the End Polio Now link on The link invites Facebook users to “join the cause” and to make donations to help Rotary meet its goal. This effort is just beginning, the team is still small, and just a couple of hundred dollars has been raised so far. If you have a Facebook page, please sign up to “join the cause” and put an End Polio Now on your page to show everyone your commitment to Rotary. Then, send an invitation to all your friends to help you and Rotary meet its goal of ending polio. The End Polio link can be found by clicking on Applications, entering causes in the "search on Facebook" box and then searching for End Polio Now.

An entry on the Facebook End Polio Now page tells the story of polio survivor Ramesh Ferris. Born in India, he was adopted as a toddler and grew up in Canada. To date, he has raised over $300,000 for polio eradication. His fund raising continues so as he said on the Facebook entry he won’t see. “Ten million children over the next 40 years be needlessly paralyzed by the effects of polio.” After 20 years, because of Rotary and efforts like his we are almost there. If one single man, severely weakened by polio, can cycle his way across Canada and raise this much money to eradicate polio, just think of the possibilities. He is currently in India on his way to the Rotary Zone Institute in Agra, and to participate in a NID. He has a blog that contains a wealth of information and many links about polio. You can read his remarkable story and follow the progress on his blog at .

The End Polio link can be found by clicking on Applications; entering causes in the "search on Facebook" box and then searching for End Polio Now.

Another great link for information about polio is

Monday, November 17, 2008

Training Planned

Preparation for the 2009-2010 Rotary year is well underway, and training of all leadership begins in January. Assistant Governors will begin their formal educations and team building on January 10; DGE Bill Ferreira will be inspired and trained further in San Diego January 18 - 25; and all Club Presidents-Elect will gather on January 31 to begin their preparation together for guiding their clubs in the upcoming year. Major training for Club Presidents-Elect will continue with a multi-district PETS on March 13 and 14 after preparation of district committee chairs and officers in February and before the District Assembly in April for all incoming club leaders.

Details will be forthcoming.

DGE Bill and the Training Committee look forward to helping make the upcoming Rotary year an enjoyable and productive one for each Rotarian undertaking a leadership role in Service Above Self.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Illinois to Issue Rotary License Plates

We have exceeded the 850 plate requests that we needed for the production of a State of Illinois Rotary license plate!

The State of Illinois will forward the information to the Communications and Production Department for a sample plate, then the Sample Plate will be sent to Law Enforcement for approval.

This process will take 6-10 months, after which Rotary license plates will be a reality.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Governor's Message

First, a special thank you to everyone who worked on our fabulous district conference. It was a great success and that was because of the many, many people who spent so much time planning and carrying out the event. Thanks, too, to the 500+ people who attended and are now bringing information back to their clubs and communities and working to "Make Dreams Real"! You can get links which will take you to photos of the conference at

We're now beginning Foundation Month. Please try to schedule a program about The Rotary Foundation at one of your weekly meetings. Ron Hamelberg ( coordinates those speaker requests. It will be helpful to your membership if someone from your club can attend Estate Planning in Uncertain Times on November 20th ( Although representatives of The Foundation will be presenting, the information will be useful in any estate planning.

As in the past, our district has a program to match contributions to The Rotary Foundation's Annual Giving Fund ( But this year's program ends December 31st, so act quickly to take advantage of the match.

I visited 50 of the 71 clubs in our district by the end of October and have been amazed at how different each club is. I am thoroughly enjoying the education I'm receiving and look forward to visiting the other clubs. All visits should be scheduled by now. If yours is not, please contact Kristina, our district administrator (

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Members

If you'd like your club's new members to be listed here, please send their names to Jill Brickman (

This month we welcome Donna Fousekis to the Deerfield club.

Future Vision

At its June meeting, the RI Board adopted the Future Vision Plan for The Rotary Foundation, a far-reaching effort to simplify access to the Foundation, direct more resources to projects with high-impact and sustainable outcomes, and gain greater public recognition for the Foundation’s work. The Board agreed to initiate the three-year pilot in July 2010 to focus resources and attention on Rotary’s number one priority, polio eradication, and Rotary’s US$100 Million Challenge. The Foundation will be sharing more information about the plan and its implementation throughout 2008-09 and will incorporate training for pilot districts into Rotary’s standard training cycle.

Under the Future Vision Plan, the Foundation will offer two kinds of grants: Rotary Foundation District Grants, which provide districts with access to up to 50 percent of their District Designated Fund, and Rotary Foundation Global Grants, which support larger projects with sustainable, high-impact outcomes in one of six areas of focus: peace and conflict prevention/resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, and economic and community development. Clubs and districts can either create their own global grant projects in the areas of focus or sponsor packaged global grants, which The Rotary Foundation will develop in conjunction with a strategic partner organization that has expertise in the selected area of focus.

All districts will be encouraged to apply to participate in the pilot. In selecting pilot participants, the Trustees will attempt to compose a representative group of districts in terms of location, size, effectiveness, and level of involvement with the Foundation. Pilot districts will follow the new grant structure and not participate in current Foundation programs, with the exception of PolioPlus and the Rotary Centers for International Studies.

Interested districts will need to secure the agreement of two-thirds of their clubs and complete the pilot application form online between February and June 2009. During the next few months District 6440 clubs will have the opportunity to have a Future Vision presentation at a club meeting as part of the process to consider their interest in participating in Future Vision. Please contact DGN Bruce Baumberger ( t o schedule a presentation for your club.

The list of selected pilot districts will be posted on the RI Web site on 1 July 2009. The 2010-11 governors and Foundation chairs of the selected pilot districts will attend mandatory training sessions at RI’s expense in early 2010.

Watch a video about Future Vision.
Download a Future Vision presentation from Foundation leadership.
Read a Future Vision Plan brochure.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Presidential Citation for Clubs

District Governor Pam Kerr must submit her nominations of clubs deserving of Rotary International Presidential Citations by April 15, 2009.

This award is designed to motivate clubs to actively participate in service. Revised on an annual basis by the RI president, the award traditionally highlights the president’s emphases.
Download the Presidential Citation brochure (900A) and the nomination form for Rotary clubs (900B), or download the nomination form for Rotaract and Interact Clubs (900C).
The brochure link is and the nomination form link is

Every club in our district is eligible for this honor. Please make sure that yours is on track to earn it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Estate Planning Seminar November 20th

The District Planned Giving Committee invites all Rotarians, family and friends to a seminar, Estate Planning in Uncertain Times, on Thursday, November 20th at North Shore Country Club in Glenview. This event is free and will feature a keynote presentation by G. Holger Hansen, Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator, Mid-Atlantic States, who was formerly Director of Major Gifts and Annual Giving for The Rotary Foundation. PDG Ron Axel of Minneapolis will speak about leaving a lasting legacy through The Rotary Foundation, PDG Jack Blane will explain why he gave $1 million to The Foundation, PDG Dave Waring will outline deferred giving options, and Karena Bierman, an attorney who is The Foundation's Director of Major Giving will speak about the latest developments in national legislation. A distinguished group of professional estate planning Rotarians will be at the event to answer individual questions.

This is a unique opportunity to take advantage of a lot of expertise in one easy session. Please consider attending. Registration will begin at 3:30 p.m. with the program at 4:00 p.m. Please contact Elke Friedman ( or 847-272-7916) to confirm your attendance.

Wanted: Vision Facilitators

There are openings for people who'd like to be vision facilitators in our district. Facilitators help clubs develop long range plans through visioning workshops. Without such plans, Rotary’s annual leadership turnover creates inconsistency as new leaders come aboard with new ideas. When a plan is put in place and a vision has been defined, present and future club leaders work together to move the organization forward. Besides providing continuity, consistency and consensus, an unexpected result of visioning sessions has been an increase in leadership.

According to PDG Terry Mueller, "Being on the visioning team has been one of the most rewarding and fun assignments that I have held in Rotary. I hope more people will join us in this important effort to strengthen our clubs."

There will be a mandatory training session for all current vision facilitators and anyone else interested in joining the facilitation team. The training will be held at the Palatine Library, Room 3, on November 15, 2008, from 9:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Lunch and all training materials will be provided. Please RSVP to Terry Mueller ( or Mike Ericksen ( by November 12th.

The District Vision Facilitator works with a team of 2 - 3 other facilitators to facilitate the visioning process to clubs in our district. District Visioning Sessions are offered to clubs on the 1st and 3rd Mondays and the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Facilitators are expected to be available for at least one session per month.

The skills required for the facilitator position are:
Past or current governor or assistant governor or past president of a Rotary club
Teaching, training and/or facilitation experience
Detail-oriented, proactive planner with an ability to manage schedules and calendars
A professional presence when speaking to a group
High level of verbal communication skills for presentations
Experience with Power Point and other presentation technology tools

Rotary Foundation Match Program

Our district is running a matching program for contributions to the Annual Giving Fund of The Rotary Foundation but you must act quickly: the program lasts until December 31st (or sooner if points run out) and the deadline is firm.

Matches are available for contributions of $500 or more in $100 increments. The match is 1:1 with recognition points with a maximum of $1,000. Please make checks payable to The Rotary Foundation and mark them for Annual Giving (no matches are available for contributions to polio eradication this year). Mail them to PDG Terry Mueller, 6201 North Wyndwood Drive, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Please direct questions to Terry at

This is a quick way to achieve Paul Harris recognition.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is there a canyon in your future?

It just might be the Lodge at Ventana Canyon, a luxurious resort located in the foothills of Tucson and the site of District Governor Pam's Fellowship Retreat. It's scheduled for January 16 - 19, 2009. You can anticipate four days of desert sunshine, coupled with a multitude of resort activities, including spectacular golf on courses designed by Tom Fazio, tennis and many other options for both the sportsman and the outdoors enthusiast. Governor Pam and Andy will host a cocktail reception Friday evening.

Tour features include air via American Airlines, transfers between the airport and the resort, in addition to the all-suite resort itself. Cost is $775 per person, share basis, exclusive of meals. Spouses and significant others are welcome.

Make plans now to enjoy a bried respite from Chicago's winter with Governor Pam and Andy and your fellow Rotarians. For more information and reservations, please contact Stan Sherman (847-498-3450 or 847-498-3495 fax). Space is limited.

Rotary International Convention Update

Convention, June 21-24, 2009, Rotary International will celebrate its 100th convention, truly
a milestone. Elaborate events and activities have been planned by both RI and the Host Organization Committee to make this a most rewarding and memorable gathering.

District 6440 has blocked a limited number of rooms at a city center hotel, JURY’S INN BIRMINGHAM. It is a 445-room, full-service property whose room rate per night is $139GBP ($278US), which includes all VAT & service, as well as a full English breakfast, daily. A non-refundable deposit of $200us is required to confirm your room and, as mandated by group policy, the balance of your stay must be prepaid by December 5, 2008, also non-refundable. If prior reservations havebeen made, these can be switched to the district hotel without penalty.

For this and other assistance, contact Stan Sherman at 847-498-3450 (847-498-3495 fax).
Governor Pam and Andy look forward to sharing this historical event with you and your

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rotary UN Day November 8

Each year, Rotary International and the United Nations celebrate their longstanding ties with a special day at the UN. This year it will be November 8th.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will give a special presentation to Rotarians and there will be special panel discussions and presentations on topics of particular interest to Rotarians. During the morning, there will be a program specially designed for youth.

Registration is open until October 24th at The day's schedule is also available on RI's web site.

Forty-nine Rotarians helped draft the United Nation's Charter and many Rotarians became international delegates to the UN. Rotary was one of the original 42 non-governmental organizations and that affiliation continues today.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

District Governor Elect Bill Ferreira's Experience as a Visiting Rotarian

Last week during a business trip to Mumbai, India, I decided to make some time for Rotary and make up at one of the several Mumbai Rotary clubs. The club president where I was planning my makeup immediately called the District's District Governor Elect for 2009-2010 (my counterpart) and informed him of my visit. DGE Raju Subramanian superceded the club president and invited me instead to address his incoming club presidents-elect at their Pre-PETS meeting and social on Saturday evening. I agreed.

Mumbai District 3140 is made up of 124 clubs which have over 6,000 members. Last year their contributions to the Rotary Foundation via the Annual Giving Program amounted to $2.5 million. I was asked to speak as District 6440 DGE on being a club president. There were 110 PEs present, the district's leadership team, several PDGs, and spouses for a total of over 250. The energy, motivation and dedication of these Mumbai Rotarians is much to be emulated. The meeting consisted of several presentations, role playing, and each club meeting with its respective Assistant Governor.

After the working sessions, we had a sumptuous dinner and concluded the evening with all participating in the famous Indian Bhangra Dance. Not only was this an evening of learning, but the ensuing fellowship was very enjoyable. I met several Rotarians including a PDG whom I had first met in Anaheim during the International Assembly in February 2005. I discussed a potential Matching Grant program with the DGE and we plan to finalize details during our joint District Governor Training at the International Assembly in San Diego, this January. We are also discussing a friendship exchange between our two districts. The world keeps getting smaller, thanks to Rotary.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Youth Exchange Students Sail on Lake Michigan

Saturday, September 20th was a perfect day for the Annual Exchange Student Sail sponsored by the Chicago Fleet of the Yachting Rotarians Fellowship along with generous support and hosting from Chicago Columbia Yacht Club members. Twelve boats assembled at the Columbia dock beginning at around 10:30 a.m. and volunteers began preparations for serving a Chicago-style hot dog luncheon to all participants. At around 11:00 the first of over 80 students began arriving with their adult team leaders and drivers. These high school seniors, who will spend a school year in the USA, came from countries throughout the world. They are staying with Rotary host families in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan.

The students visited and exchanged contact information and thoroughly enjoyed their lunch, although most put ketchup on their hot dogs. Ugh! Including students, adult guests, skippers and crew, we fed about 140 people in half an hour. At 12:45 they quickly assembled under the Rotary Banner with the Chicago skyline in the background for a group photo (below). Nearly all students had their own digital cameras which they dumped at the feet of volunteers who recorded the moment on their cameras too. Amazingly, everyone got the right camera back.

By 1:15 everyone was on their assigned boats and the skippers took off under near perfect conditions. The day was partly cloudy, temp in the 70s, wind 8-12 knots from SW with 1-2’ seas. Say goodbye to those conditions for a while. The boats spread out and sailed various courses off of Monroe Harbor with most boats ending the event with a motor sail past Navy Pier.

By 4:00 all boats had returned with the same number of students they had when they departed. It’s hard to figure out who had the better time, the students or the boat crews. These kids are special and it is truly a privilege to meet them and show this wonderful aspect of our great city.

Special thanks go to the seven skippers from Columbia Yacht Club and friends of Yachting Rotarians who participated with their boats to allow us to entertain such a large group.

Submitted by Phill Klein, Commodore –IYFR Chicago Fleet (

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Photos Available for Viewing

If you missed District Governor Pam Kerr's installation or the recent District Conference, or if you attended and want to relive the fun, you can look at photos of both events. They're available at (installation dinner) and (October District Conference).

Monday, September 29, 2008

Governor's Message - October

October is Vocational Service Month in Rotary. Our district has an exceptional program of vocational scholarships. Has your club identified candidates yet? These scholarships are an ideal way to promote Rotary in your community while offering significant help to someone who is pursuing training on a non-baccalaureate track. Rotary clubs are ideally suited for job shadowing activities with high schoolers. We can also find creative ways to honor all professions. Please look for something you can do to observe this avenue of service during October.

October is also our District Conference and ABCs of Rotary month. The 3rd, 4th and 5th of this month offer you the chance to learn more about Rotary in a fun atmosphere. You'll have the opportunity to meet the terrific GSE team from New Zealand visiting our area now (they'll make a presentation Friday afternoon), to participate in training sessions, and to hear more about district-wide activities. The District Conference is next weekend. Why not make it a date? Come for the meetings, visit the House of Friendship, stay for a great dinner, wander through the hospitality suites for some fabulous dancing, and then go upstairs to your own hotel room. A perfect Rotary weekend of fellowship and fun that even your spouse will appreciate! Register today at Remember, registration is free and the conference is at the convenient Marriott Lincolnshire Resort.

Also at the conference, you'll have a chance to donate old computer equipment, including peripherals, to Pass on Your PC. The program erases all information from the equipment, refurbishes it, and gets it to people and organizations in need. Feel free to bring along equipment donated by your neighbors and coworkers as well. See for more details.

One of our clubs, Evanston Lighthouse, has been working for many months on a terrific program to improve life for 200,000 people in Nigeria. The program has been approved for a Rotary Foundation 3-H grant but is now in jeopardy. Funding changes mean that an additional $25,000 is needed before the end of February or the project will be cancelled. Please consider contributing. It's an excellent way for your club to get involved in international service or for you to help out as an individual. More information is available at

Our district is applying for a Rotary International PR Grant. Public relations successes bring results, as the increased awareness of ShelterBox shows. Please send your success stories to District PR Chair Judy Hughes at

Public relations will play a big role in this month's observance of World Polio Day on October 24th. Rotary clubs around the world will observe the day in a variety of ways. PDG Dave Waring is chairing our district's End Polio Now committee. Please contact him ( for ideas or to commit your club's support. Eradicating polio depends on all of us supporting the program.

See you at the conference!

New Rotarians

Welcome to these people who've joined clubs in District 6440 recently: Susan Kirby, Linda Liddell, Maureen Starmack, Rob Nelson and John Price (Crystal Lake Dawnbreakers); Michael Cunningham (Batavia); Teri Dreher (Libertyville Sunrise); James Smith (Evanston Lighthouse); Chuck Adler and Steve Scholten (Arlington Heights); and Pat Callaghan (Glenview-Sunrise).

Pass on Your PC

Rotary District 6440 will be conducting a "Pass on Your PC " collection in conjunction with the District Conference at the Lincolnshire Marriott Hotel on Saturday, October 4 from 1:45 until 3:45PM . Used computers and peripherals will be retrofitted for distribution to students in need, non-for-profit groups and individuals who might qualify. Any area resident, corporation , or agency wishing to donate their used and non-functioning computer equipment can drive to the Bank Financial parking lot adjacent to the Marriott off Marriott Drive. Rotarians, exchange students and area high school students will volunteer to unload the donated equipment from cars as they drive through the lot and will provide the donor a tax receipt from the organization for their generosity. All information stored on the computer will be guaranteed to be erased from the hard drives. Signage will direct donors to the right area of the lot. Why not clean out your office and provide someone in need with equipment at the same time?

3-H Grant Funding Urgently Needed

The Rotary Clubs of Evanston Lighthouse and Eziukwu, Aba, Nigeria have received approval from The Rotary Foundation for a $330,000 multi-year water and sanitation project serving 200,000 people. It was one of just 18 Health Hunger and Humanity projects approved in 2007-2008. Project organizers have just learned that a funding change means they need an additional $25,000 by the end of October or the project will be cancelled.

Individuals and clubs can contribute and contributions will count toward Paul Harris Fellow recognition. Checks payable to The Rotary Foundation and labeled 3-H Grant TH 62891 can be mailed to George Ammerman, The Rotary Foundation, OA400, 1560 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201-3698. Questions can be directed to George Ammerman (847-866-3348) or Jim Grumley (774-465-0700 or 773-230-1159).

Friday, September 26, 2008

PDG Jack Bakeman

PDG Jack Bakeman (1987-88) passed away yesterday, peacefully at home with his family and in the care of hospice. A memorial service is being planned but the details are not known at this time. Jack was known as the 'PolioPlus Governor,' as he led the first major fundraising effort against polio that has set the course for it's eradication. He owned and operated Fords Pharmacy in Deerfield and continued to be active in Rotary when he retired and moved to Florida.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rotary License Plates

We are just over 100 signups away from having a Rotary license plate available in Illinois. You can find the application at . The Secretary of State's office requires a minimum of 850 requests before we can design the actual plate. There is a $25.00 upcharge for each plate each year. In the first year $10.00 will go to The Rotary Foundation for each plate. Thereafter, $23.00 will go to The Rotary Foundation for each plate. A person does NOT have to be a Rotarian to purchase a plate.

This is an easy way to increase Rotary awareness and support our foundation at the same time. Please consider joining the 740 people who've already applied.

Monday, September 22, 2008

GSE Team Blog

Follow the adventures of the group study exchange team from New Zealand's District 9970 as they enjoy our district's hospitality. They are maintaining a blog at

Digital WHIS-RAD Installation Planned for South Africa

The Rotary Clubs of Wilmette (noon) and of Durbanville, Western Cape, South Africa are inviting other Rotary clubs in the district to participate in a project to install a digital WHIS-RAD system in Clanwilliam, South Africa. This installation will be similar to a project in Guatemala which was recently approved by District 6440 and the Rotary Foundation for matching funds.

Each club participant commits $2,500 for the project. Through the participation of five other clubs, district and Rotary Foundation matching funds, this amount grows to $67,500.

Partnering with Rotary is the World Health Imaging Alliance (WHIA) which is a not-for-profit corporation created by Northwestern University, the University of Cape Town and Rotarians from Districts 6440 and 6450. Following is the YouTube presentation of WHIA which was used at the Rotary International Convention.

If your club is interested in learning more about this program and the opportunity to participate in the South African installation, contact Steve Jambor at 773-263-9962 or e-mail him at . You can also learn more by visiting

This is a great opportunity to get involved in a highly leveraged, WHO approved, international project that will serve a population in excess of 50,000 for many years.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

District 6440 in the News

The Rotary Club of Chicagoland Korean-Northbrook, along with our district and the new club's sponsors, have been featured on Rotary International's home page: The article describes the new club's charter night and the unusual sponsoring arrangement which included clubs here and in Los Angeles.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lake in the Hills Fundraising Success

We're in the home stretch with polio eradication but the remaining work is probably the most difficult. Pockets of the disease still exist in areas where immunization is difficult for various reasons. It's critical that Rotarians around the world continue to support the fight. One of our biggest contributions is financial. It's a good time for all clubs to be creative in seeking ways to raise funds so that we can honor our pledge to wipe out this awful disease.

In September the Lake in the Hills club had wonderful success at the Lake in the Hills Sunset Fest. Club members sold and served beer. In addition, they used End Polio Now stickers
to encourage people to donate. Many people gave far beyond just a few dollars. The club ended up raising $2,586! Congratulations to their club.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Des Plaines to Change Meeting Day

The Rotary Club of Des Plaines will meet on Thursdays beginning October 9th. Meeting place and time remain the same: 12:15 p.m. at the Golf Center Des Plaines, 353 North River Road in Des Plaines.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Edgge Spotlights Rotary

Edgge, an online dining guide for Chicago's north and northwest suburbs, recently spotlighted Rotary in a very positive article which you can see at The author seemed to get a real feel for Rotary and what Rotarians are trying to do. Please note that she even gave a plug for membership!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Rotarians

Welcome to these people who've joined clubs in District 6440 in the last few weeks: Matt Glucksberg (Evanston Lighthouse); Dana Tipton (Evanston); Scott Hershinow (Deerfield); and Dick Whalley (Barrington).

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Governor's Message - September

Our District Conference is just a month away. The first weekend in October will be here before you know it, so why not register now at (follow calendar link to District Conference, then use link at bottom of page)?

This year's conference is offering exciting speakers. We have experts, including Dean Dipak Jain of Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management talking about values-based leadership, Tom and Susan Kuczmarski giving us different ways to think of leadership, Cameron Davis of the Alliance for the Great Lakes addressing ways to preserve these natural resources with which we are blessed, and Steve Dudenhofer of Guatemala Tomorrow and former Guatemalan First Lady Wendy Widmann de Berger updating us on Guatemala.

Rotary information and training will be outstanding, with Rotary International General Secretary Ed Futa, former Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar from our district and current Rotary Foundation employee Jamie Revord, local Rotarian and manager of Rotary's PolioPlus division Carol Pandak, and PDG and President's Representative Ron Axel of Minneapolis all lending their expertise and experience. You'll have a chance to hear more about Rotary's strategic plans and growth initiatives and to learn about the lasting impact of participation in Rotary-sponsored programs. We'll also have local Rotarians describing some of their international projects and offering tips on executing them successfully.

All of this learning and sharing will take place in a fun, convenient atmosphere. We'll be at Marriott's Lincolnshire Resort right here in our district. You'll want to attend everything, but if that's not possible, be sure to register for at least part of the conference. There's no registration fee for attending plenary sessions or workshops, so don't miss out on this chance to combine Rotary information with inspiration and guidance.

Please note the blog posting about our district's contributions to the Shelter Box program ( My thanks to the local leaders who have worked so hard to build support. With your help, they're doing wonderful work.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Triple Value District Conference

This year's District Conference offers you triple value. Attending will help you:

1. Become more productive in Rotary service.
2. Make your Rotary club more vibrant and efficient.
3. Become a more effective leader in both professional and volunteer activities.

The entire event has been designed to be well worth your while. Empowering plenary sessions, top-notch keynote speakers, and lots of fun will make it a weekend to remember. Sign up now for the October 2 - 5 event at Marriott's Lincolnshire Resort at

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Council on Legislation 2010 Proposal

The Rotary Club of Park Ridge wants to present legislation at the Council On Legislation in 2010. For the proposal to proceed, the electors at our District Conference must approve it. If approved it will be sent to Rotary International by December 31, 2008. Following is the legislation:

Article 5 Meetings
Section I Regular Meeting
Day and Time
The club shall hold a regular meeting one each week or twice each week on the days and time provided in the bylaws.

Please be sure that your club's representatives are prepared to vote on the proposal at the District Conference in October.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ambassadorial Scholarship Candidates Announced

Our district has selected seven people for Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships, some full-year academic scholars and some six-month cultural scholars. More information, including the candidates' names and sponsoring clubs, is available at

R. I. President D. K. Lee's Address at Charter Night

After greeting guests at the August 22nd charter night for the new Rotary Club of Chicagoland Korean - Northbrook in both English and Korean, Rotary International President Dong Kurn Lee made the following remarks:

I am very grateful to all of you for having made this evening, and this club, possible. And I am grateful for the invitation to speak to you tonight.

One thing that I found out very quickly when I was first nominated to the presidency of Rotary International was that my new job description included a very great deal of public speaking—and almost none of it was going to be in Korean.

You do not need to be Korean to understand that the idea of speaking publicly, in English, made me very nervous indeed. I had not studied English for many, many years. And when I was in high school, I certainly never imagined that I would ever have a job that would require me to speak English in front of hundreds and sometimes thousands of people at a time. If I had known this then, perhaps I would have taken better notes and spent a bit more time on my homework.

But within a few weeks of my nomination, I realized two things, and soon became less nervous. I realized that I would be practicing my English constantly, and that with some hard work on my part, I would soon improve. And perhaps more important, I realized that I would be speaking in front of some of the friendliest audiences one could hope for.

I now know that it does not matter very much if I do not pronounce every English word correctly. I know that no one in the audience cares about my accent, and that they will forgive my mistakes. Because what matters in Rotary is not what language we speak, or where we come from, or how much English we remember from high school. What matters in Rotary is fellowship, and friendship, and building bridges of goodwill. What matters is that we put Service Above Self, and that we work together to Make Dreams Real.

I am humbled and honored to be the first Korean president of Rotary International. And I feel a responsibility on behalf of Korea to give back to Rotary as Rotary has given to my country.

So many of Rotary’s values resonate with me and with all Koreans: the emphasis on hard work, on education, on honesty, on business practices based on trust.

We in Korea value /chim shin uro/, or “pure heart.” A person with a pure heart is someone who has personal integrity—a person who treats others with honor and respect; someone who can be counted on to always do what is right. “Pure heart” is a highly valued trait in Korean business, and it is important to Rotary. In Rotary, our integrity is what makes us successful in business, in service, and in our lives. “Pure heart” is what we in Rotary call Service Above Self.

Koreans also talk about work as /chip an/. /Chip an/ means “inside the house.” It is a way to talk about how important our work is to us—that our companies and businesses are like our family. Our businesses and the people in them should be treated with respect, honor, and dignity—because Koreans believe that good personal relationships are the basis for business. In Rotary, we also believe that a relationship with people in our professions is important. We should treat our customers, our employers, our employees, and our colleagues like our family.

True Rotary service gives us /chim shin uro/, and our profit is personal honesty, integrity in business, and honor. This is the reality behind Service Above Self. This is the reality of Rotary—the reality that inspires us, and challenges us, every day.

I am honored to be here at the chartering of this new club, and look forward to building /chim shin uro/ with you.

District 6440 a Shelter Box Leader

In its recent newsletter, Shelter Box USA named Rotary District 6440 as one of the supporters of the program during 2007 - 2008. Clubs in our district raised enough funds to buy more than 46 Shelter Boxes during that time, thanks to the leadership of Andy Kuby, Donna and Steve Gulley and Cynthia Mikal. More information is available at

Call for Future District 6440 Leaders

Submitted by Bill Ferreira, DGE 2009-2010

As you are aware, leadership in your club and at the district level changes annually. Thus, new Rotary leaders are continually needed. As your Governor-Elect, I have responsibility for overseeing the development of future leaders to serve clubs, our district and Rotary International. This is to support effective clubs, continuity in projects and activities, and the future of Rotary.


District 6440 Rotarians must have a keen desire to serve their club and or the district. They will be selected from a cross-section of the district clubs based on their demonstrated leadership abilities and potential for growth. We are looking for Rotarians who are reliable, experienced, self-motivated, action oriented, innovative, organized and collaborative.

For a listing of the various district positions, please go the district website ( After you log in, go to the Communications Services section and click on District Organization Chart. For this Rotary year, positions have been filled. However, several will be open for the 2009-2010 Rotary year. For example, at least 7 new Assistant Governor positions will be open next year.

Assistant Governor Criteria

- Active membership and good standing in your club for at least 3 years
- Service as a club president for a full term
- Willingness and ability to accept the responsibilities of Assistant Governor
- Demonstrated outstanding performance at the district level
- Potential for future district leadership

If interested, please respond with your qualifications and why you seek that position to me ( Please copy District Governor Pam Kerr ( and your club president and president-elect.

Thank you for your service to your Rotary club and to Rotary District 6440.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Youth Exchange Students to Set Sail

Our district's inbound youth exchange students will once again be treated to an afternoon on Lake Michigan, courtesy of the International Fellowship of Yachting Rotarians. On September 20th, the students will meet their hosts at the Columbia Yacht Club for a Chicago-style hot dog lunch, followed by a few hours on the lake. Anyone driving a student to the event is welcome to contact Commodore Phill Klein ( to be assigned to help on a boat. This is an annual event at which the IFYR always provides a lot of fun.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Hi, would you marry me?"

“Hi, would you like to marry me?" is as silly a question as "Hi, would you like to be a Rotarian?" yet some of us are still trying to court new members this way. There is a process, not unlike courtship or good salesmanship, that will secure an "I do!" from a candidate.

The First Date

The first step is to get a date. Invite somebody to your club’s meeting. This is quite simple if you help the decision by giving two alternative dates, for example “Is this Wednesday or the next one more convenient to you?” The operational idea is to avoid a question that can be answered by yes or no. People will find it easy to say no to a single date and can give a very plausible reason. It is more difficult to give negative reasons to two alternatives.

The reason for the invitation must be stated. For example, “I would like you to meet some of our members.” Or, “We have a couple of programs coming up that you may enjoy.”

Getting To Know The Candidate

At the meeting seat the candidate between you and a member who can provide good conversation and answer questions about the club and Rotary. Plan this step in advance and provide your helper with background information about the candidate. The questions must be broad so the candidate has an opportunity to talk about his or her feelings about service. “What type of service organizations have you been involved in the past?” and “What have you learned about Rotary so far?” are two examples.

When Will We See You Again?

The next step is trying to ascertain interest. Again the question must request a choice between alternatives: “Would you like to come back next Wednesday for the program on “X” or would you prefer the following week for the program on “Y”?”

It is a slow process but the steps are sure, methodical, and prevent waste of time and effort. One can determine early on if there is interest and if the candidate understands the commitment to service. The information about Rotary in the club must be spoon fed so as not to be overwhelming.

Asking For the Hand

After three or four visits the club and the individual know about each other and you can proceed to make a formal offer. A well-designed orientation process will ensure that the candidate understands the commitment and helps retention in the critical first year. Much like planning a future together before the wedding!

The Wedding

Would you have a wedding without relatives? We hope the candidate will make Rotary a lifetime commitment and we should make the induction an event to remember. Family, special friends, and even a business associate or two should be invited. The presence of the District Governor or a governor’s representative will add weight to the proceedings. There should be a master of ceremonies with a well-prepared monolog, a photographer, and the appropriate documentation, name tag, and pin. The idea is not to induct a member but accept a new Rotarian. Make it lightly and so it will be taken!

Remember that, except for Paul Harris, everybody else was asked to attend a Rotary meeting!

(Essay submitted by Carlos Früm, District Membership Chair)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Governor's Message

The Rotary year is in full swing already. I'm enjoying my visits to your clubs and look forward to seeing many of you at our fellowship event at Ravinia on August 17th. You have until August 9th to sign up for that fun evening (Rotary District 6440 Governor's Newsletter: Evening at Ravinia August 17th). It's an ideal event to which you may want to invite a prospective member.

Deadlines for applications for our group study exchange team to New Zealand are coming up on August 11th (Rotary District 6440 Governor's Newsletter: GSE Team Members and Leader to New Zealand Needed Rotary and
Rotary District 6440 Governor's Newsletter: GSE Application Deadline August 11th). We need your help recruiting candidates so that we can field our district's usual strong team. In addition to a Rotarian team leader, we need good non-Rotarian young professionals to round out the team.

August is Membership and Extension Month on the Rotary calendar. I hope your club is making a special effort to recruit new members. They will add vitality and great resources to your group. We will observe the extension part of the month when our district's newest club is chartered on August 22nd. More information about that celebration will be forthcoming.

The school year starting always feels a little like the beginning of a new year. Please use this time to energize your club and continue working to enrich the world through Rotary.
Each of you is a tremendous asset to our district and I thank you for your time and dedication.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Value of Every Rotarian

The following essay was written by Bill Matthews, editor of Schaumburg AM's bulletin, for that bulletin. It was decided to share it with everyone in the district because the message applies to all Rotarians:

As is common with District Governor visits, a frequently asked question of club board
members is: “What are the strengths and weaknesses of your club?” Having been in Rotary almost as long as Pete, I have heard many people say many of the same things, in slightly different ways. But in reflecting on the meeting with Pam, some interesting comments and observations came out, which prompted this article.

“What does a prospective Rotarian look like?”

You can come up with a number of traits, but one thing that is consistent is that we are
all different. Despite many common reasons for being in Rotary, each of us has our own
background, our own individual buttons that inspire or aggravate us, our own opinion as to what, and how, things should be done; and we each come to the meeting with our own life situations, good and bad, outside Rotary.

“Who Makes Our Club?”

Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works quitx wxll xxcxpt for onx of thx
kxys. I havx wishxd many timxs that it workxd pxrfxctly. It is trux that thxrx arx forty-six
kxys that function wxll xnough, but just onx kxy not working makxs thx diffxrxncx.
You may say to yoursxlf, "W xll, I am only onx pxrson. I won't makx or brxak our club."
To bx xffxctivx, Rotary rxquirxs thx participation of xvxry mxmbxr. So thx nxxt timx you think you arx only onx pxrson and your xfforts arx not nxxdxd, rxmxmbxr my typxwritxr and say to yoursxlf, "I am a kxy pxrson in this Club and I am nxxdxd vxry much."

“As we are, Who we are, and Where we are.”

As different as we are, and as sometimes occupied with interests outside Rotary as we can be, one of the real strengths of this club (as I see it) is our acceptance of each other:
“As, Who and Where we are,” with no strings attached. Some have and are able to give more time, more talent, more money; but no one is any less important or less significant in any way. And every member is just as vital to our success as the broken “e” is to the typewriter above.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

IRS Filing Requirements for Rotary Clubs and Districts

As you may know, Rotary clubs in the USA with gross receipts in excess of $25,000 are subject to IRS regulations, and must file an informational report based on their gross receipts. Starting this year, clubs with less than $25,000 in gross receipts are also required to submit an informational return to the IRS. Failure to do so will jeopardize their tax exempt status, and may result in a fine. Please click on this link to obtain a one-page summary of the requirements as outlined by the IRS: .

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Learning Together to Make Dreams Real

This year's District Conference will be held October 2 - 5 at convenient Marriott's Lincolnshire Resort. It promises to be an energizing experience with captivating speakers, rewarding plenary sessions, and fun and fellowship. The resort has a PGA championship golf course, indoor pool, racquet courts, award-winning live theater and is just minutes away from the Chicago Botanic Garden, all in a beautiful and relaxing setting.

In just three short days, you'll be able to attend Membership and Foundation Seminars, the ever-popular ABCs of Rotary, and presentations from a variety of interesting people, including group study exchange teams to and from New Zealand, Cameron Davis from the Alliance for the Great Lakes about the value of water, and the former first lady of Guatemala.

The full and exciting program is available at This is a conference you won't want to miss!

Brag About Your Club!

Here is your chance to show everybody why your club is one of the best in the District!

Showcase your International, Community, or Vocational projects in the House of Friendship at the District Conference, Friday, October 3, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Saturday, October 4, 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Rotary Fellowships, Rotary Action Groups, Special RI and District Programs, and a vendor will be also on display at the House of Friendship!

The tables are free and in limited supply so hurry up! They will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis. There is a $50 deposit fee but your check will not be cashed unless your club chooses not to display at the last moment. If you need electricity there is a hotel charge of $30 per day. In this case your check will be cashed in advance and you will not need to send a deposit.

Please send your check payable to Rotary District 6440 to Carlos Früm (3211 Glenbrook Drive, Northbrook, IL 60062) together with the following information:

Name of your club
Your name
Your phone
Your email address

This year’s District Conference includes the ABCs of Rotary, and the Foundation and Membership Seminars so attendance will be substantially larger. Please plan your brochures and handouts accordingly.

Show your Rotary club’s colors with pride!

Membership Award

August is membership month and to celebrate we are announcing the “SPONSOR OF THE YEAR” award for the Rotarian of District 6440 who sponsors the greatest number of number of members. The award is a suitable recognition plus a Sony MP3 player donated by Abt Electronics in Glenview.

Club presidents may submit the award by June 30, 2009. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Please provide the following information to Carlos Früm, District Membership Committee Chair, via email to

Name of the sponsor,
Names of the sponsored members inducted before June 30, 2009,
Name of the club,
Name and signature of club president and membership director.

If more than one sponsor gathers the same number of members all will receive the recognition. The prize (or prizes) will be drawn among all the high sponsors.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Welcome to these new Rotarians

These people have joined clubs in District 6440 recently. Welcome to all of you!

Bill Borst (Arlington Heights); Lisa Shives (Evanston); Matt Argon, Kate Colinson, Mary Johns and Matt Johnson (Evanston Lighthouse); Laura Bordine, Rick Hanetho and Alan Morgan (Northbrook); Jeff Arnett (Barrington); and Rich Hatfield (Glenview-Sunrise).

North Shore Rotary Club

The former Rotary Club of Wilmette-Kenilworth has changed to North Shore Rotary. The club, which still meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays, bills itself as a more casual style of Rotary. To join them for a meeting, go to the Ridgeview Grill at 827 Ridge Road in Wilmette.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

District Directories Available

In response to Rotarians' requests, we have printed district directories this year. All club presidents should receive 10 copies from assistant governors. Copies will be mailed to PDGs and district leadership team members. Club presidents who haven't received them should contact their assistant governors. PDGs and leadership team members who don't receive them soon may contact District Administrator Kristina Laib.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Rotary Radio

Have you listened to Rotary Radio yet? It's a new feature on Rotary International's web site using the Rotary Golden Theater Radio Show produced in 1955. Listen in at for some audio Rotary history.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

GSE Application Deadline August 11th

Applications for members and a leader of our group study exchange team to New Zealand must be received by August 11th, Interviews will be held at the Schaumburg Library on August 23rd (team leader selection) and then the following week, August 30th (team members).

Application forms are available at or from Larry Penar, District GSE Chair ( or 847-366-2859) or Mark Parisi, Outbound Coordinator ( or 847-909-9858).

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ambassadorial Scholarships

Twenty-four applications were received for the District 6440 Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship program. Interviews for scholar applicants will be held on August 16th and 17th in Lincolnshire. We are pleased to be able to award two endowed academic scholarships (Donald Fergusson Scholarship and George R. Means Scholarship) as well as additional scholarships based on District 6440's generous contributions to The Rotary Foundation. We're delighted to have a dedicated team of Rotarians on the selection committee: PDG Dick Beals, Mary Stitt, Carole Medal, Aliza Gilbert (past scholar), Jim Bradley and chair Linda Lutz. The committee looks forward to reviewing the applications. Questions should be addressed to

Monday, June 30, 2008

Governor's Message

The new Rotary year has just begun and already it's in full swing. The calendar is filling up, clubs have installed new officers, district committees are working's amazing how much goes on even during a time of year we sometimes consider to be a little slower than the rest.In order to keep you informed on a timely basis, we are trying something new with my Governor's Newsletter this year. As we've done in the past, we'll send you a synopsis of articles at the beginning of each month. But we will also be posting articles and information as available at You can check there periodically throughout the month to find out what's new in District 6440. Our district website,, will also be continually updated. Please bookmark both sites and visit them regularly.We have an outstanding group of club leaders beginning their terms. They are supported by an equally outstanding district leadership team. Please take advantage of the assistant governors and district committee chairs and their expertise. With the wide range of experience they represent, it's likely someone can provide you with information on a proposed project, challenges you're facing, or new ideas. From club programs to recruiting members to world community service projects, we've got people ready and willing to help you make this the best year ever.I look forward to working with all of you as we continue our efforts to eradicate polio, enrich our communities near and far, and enjoy the unique fellowship for which Rotary is known.

End Polio Now

Polio eradication is truly within sight. As long as we remain focused and work together, this vision can become reality. The challenges are many, but perseverance by thousands of volunteers and professionals has chipped away and will continue to chip away the obstacles. Those volunteers include each of us!

How do we do that? How can I help “End Polio Now?”

1. Save the Date. October 24. Friday. United Nations Day. This will be the official launch of Rotary District 6440’s public awareness campaign. We want every club to do “something” in its community. We will help you not only raise awareness about polio eradication, but raise awareness of Rotary and your own club! Collectively, we can make a major impact.

2. Reserve local signage for the October 19 – 26th. We will provide copy ideas and other materials that you will be able to use.

3. Volunteer to be on the District 6440 “End Polio Now” committee. (A) We need experienced, energetic people to create, coordinate and implement a district-wide PR campaign, including the October 24th event. (B) We need volunteers who are willing and able to make presentations to both Rotary clubs and non-Rotary groups.

4. Give us ideas. So often we hear, “Someone should do X” or “If only we had Y.” This is your chance to help us!

5. Appoint a Club “End Polio Now” Coordinator. Each club will benefit from a single point person who will receive news, ideas as well as materials from the district to be used by the club members and other community groups.

6. Schedule an “End Polio Now” program for your club. Your members will be proud and appreciate learning the latest about Rotary’s polio eradication 20-year project. They will be inspired to want to be personally involved.

How do we do these? To volunteer, get on the District 6440 “End Polio Now” distribution list, or schedule a program, contact Bill Byrne ( or 847-564-9216).

And do it right away. October 24th will be here soon!

World Peace Fellowship Deadline Extended

The trustees of The Rotary Foundation have extended the deadline for the two year, master's degree World Peace Fellowship program to August 1, 2008. In addition, they have removed the limit on the number of applicants a district can endorse. So if you've had someone working on an application who just didn't get it done, please have the potential candidate contact Jill Brickman ( right away so that the district committee can complete its screening prior to the new deadline.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

New EREY Eligibility Report

Any Rotarian who contributes to the Annual Programs Fund of The Rotary Foundation is now automatically identified as an Every Rotarian, Every Year (EREY) contributor on the new EREY Eligibility Report. The report also identifies Rotary Foundation Sustaining Members (contributors of $100 or more to the Annual Programs Fund) and those who are eligible to participate in their district’s Paul Harris Society ($1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund). Like the revised CRS, users may run the report for ALL individuals associated with the club; or they may suppress non-members by selecting only club members.

Both the Club Recognition Summary and EREY Eligibility Report as well as the Monthly Contribution Report are useful tools for verifying contributions to the Foundation, and monitoring individual and club progress toward the various recognition opportunities available. Additionally, these reporting enhancements will allow for individuals and clubs to identify any contribution errors in a timely fashion. Please note, corrections of contributions from one gift designation to another must be made within 90 days of the gift date receipt, AND within the same Rotary fiscal year.

These reports are available to current district governors, district governors-elect, district Foundation chairs, annual giving subcommittee chairs, club presidents, and club secretaries until 30 June 2008. On 1 July, the reports will be available to the new club and district officers. Go to and click on Member Access on the upper right-hand corner.

Club Recognition Summary Improved

A change in the Club Recognition Summary, which identifies club members’ Paul Harris Fellow recognition levels and available Foundation Recognition Points, replaces the Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member columns with new columns showing the date and designation of a donor’s most recent contribution to the Foundation. The revised Club Recognition Summary also allows for users to run the report for ALL individuals associated with the club; or they may suppress non-members by selecting only club members.

Changes to The Rotary Foundation Reports

To provide better information to Rotarians worldwide, changes have been made to the reports that are made available to clubs and districts worldwide -- and we've created a new report for EREY donors -- that's Every Rotarian, Every Year! Now, clubs will be able to track when their members' last contributions were received by the Foundation and verify that the contributions were submitted correctly. This will help clubs comply with the 90 day limit on submitting corrections to have contributions moved from one fund to another. Better yet, the report can be viewed by active club members only or the report can list everyone associated with the club, like non-Rotarian Paul Harris Fellows that are credited to the club.

Also, for clubs that are vying for Rotary Foundation banner recognition, they will want to keep an eye on the new EREY Eligility Report based on contributions to the Annual Programs Fund only. These contributions are what come back to our district to be spent on Foundation programs like District Simplified Grants that clubs may apply for as well as Ambassadorial Scholars, Matching Grants, Volunteer Service Grants, Grants for University Teachers, etc.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

GSE Team Members and Leader to New Zealand Needed

Applications for members of our group study exchange team to New Zealand are needed by August 11, 2008. The team will travel in April, 2009. Team members must be non-Rotarians between 25 and 40 years of age (at time of application) who have written permission from employers to participate in the program. They must live or work within District 6440's boundaries and be United States citizens.

One team leader will be chosen. The leader must be an experienced Rotarian with the leadership abilities needed to build a team, of young non-Rotarians, to travel to New Zealand and learn about their vocations, another culture, and be good ambassadors for America.

Group study exchange promotes goodwill and understanding. Travel costs are covered by The Rotary Foundation and hosting is provided by New Zealand Rotarians. This fabulous program has enriched thousands of lives over the years. Much more information on the program is available at

Applications and more information about this exchange are available from outbound coordinator Mark Parisi at