Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Submittted by DGE Bill Ferreira

This is the new Rotary theme for 2009-2010. RI President-elect John Kenny
introduced this theme at the recently held International Assembly in San Diego, California.

As your District Governor-elect, I attended this Assembly to learn, share, discuss and debate Rotary with 535 governors-elect from all over the world. Needless to say, this was an experience of a lifetime.

In his theme speech to us, RIPE John Kenny reminded us that we are part of a great
Rotary tradition, as links in a chain joining our future to our past. If that chain is to continue, every link in it must be strong. It is our responsibility to forge solid links to Rotary's future. It is our responsibility to fulfill our promise of a polio-free world today so that Rotary can take on other great challenges tomorrow. Rotary International has developed a strategic plan with seven priorities that set the course for a strong future:

1. Eradicating polio is our first and main priority.

2. Advancing the recognition and public image of Rotary to help attract new

3. Increasing Rotary's capacity to provide service. Rotarians are encouraged to
continue to focus their efforts in the areas of water, health and hunger and literacy.

4. Expanding membership globally in both numbers and quality.

5. Emphasizing Rotary's unique vocational service commitment, by
demonstrating our strong commitment to high ethical standards in our professional

6. Optimizing leadership talents within RI is essential to Rotary's future.

7. Fully implementing the strategic planning process to ensure continuity.

RIPE John Kenny emphasized that Rotary is a great organization and has the potential to become even greater-- if each one of us rises to the challenge and takes
responsibility for its future. It is time to stand up and commit to doing the best job you can--with all your mind, your heart, and your soul because The Future of Rotary Is In Your Hands.

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