Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Birmingham Convention

The RI Convention is now only 15 weeks out. The website link for hotels in Birmingham is: hotels.

Birmingham continues to be a bargain. The pound has dropped as low as $1.27 and continues to fluctuate on the low side. This is down from almost $2.00; and the conventional (no pun) wisdom of the day is that it will continue its attractiveness right through the time of our convention. The exchange rates are approaching historical lows and provide an opportunity of a life time to visit, shop and tour the British Isles. Remember, Birmingham is the jewelry capital of Britain (you might recall the Brits’ ties to South African diamond mining), so this is definitely something not to be missed ...

The convention itself will be a very special event located in one of the most historic English-speaking countries in the world. There is so much to do and see that you will have pick and choose for the time available to you. It has become a bargain venue that is truly special with some of the best of England’s history at our beck and call -- from Shakespeare to Warwick Castle to whole of the British Isles: Scotland – Ireland – Wales.

President D. K. Lee has organized an entertaining and information-packed program including a Presidential Recognition Luncheon, to be held on Monday, June 22nd, for all current club presidents. This will be a very special event, so encourage your club president to attend.

This is a significant event for Rotarians to attend, sure to have an impact on you. Please visit www.rotary.org for more information.

This is our chance to turn the tables and invade England!!
We’re On to Birmingham -- see you there!

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