Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Rotary Tree

A not-for-profit organization is like a tree. Rotary is like a tree.

The organization has deep roots in the fertile soil of historical needs.

Charter members nurtured the tree until its trunk grew wide with the strength of expanded membership.

Strong branches nourished and supported newer ones. The branches grew in different directions but were still firmly attached to the central core. The leaves and fruit satisfied needs and created a protective cover over the soil that sustained it all.

As the tree matured some branches withered and died but others grew in their place.

Today the tree is still growing. The roots are deeper because they searched for the fertile soil of needs and wants.

The trunk is stronger although from time to time some bark falls off. Newer branches keep sprouting because the older ones are feeding them the healthy sap of knowledge and traditions. They seek new directions and grow towards the sun.

The moment these processes cease the tree dies a slow death.

Keep Rotary growing! Bring new members, start new clubs!

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