Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Vocational Scholarships Reminder

The District Vocational Scholarships Committee reminds you that applications may be submitted until mid-March. This is the perfect time to find qualified applicants in your community who will benefit from this program. There is no direct cost to your club to participate, so why not identify someone whose life may be changed by the scholarship?

More information is available at and on the district web site (

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Governor Pam's message

January is the middle of the Rotary year, but it's a good chance to take stock of what you've accomplished and to reenergize your club to do even more in the remaining half of the Rotary year. Each service director should be evaluating his or her team's progress and making mid-course adjustments to be sure to meet your goals. Plenty of help is available from the district; please consult your Assistant Governor to get whatever assistance will make a difference for your club.

Club presidents, do you know that your successor can't take office until he or she has completed the training required by Rotary International? Please help District Governor Elect Bill Ferreira by ensuring that your president-elect is participating in Pre-PETS on January 31st, PETS on March 13 and 14, and the District Assembly April 25th. Not only will this strengthen your club, it will also ensure that you are able to leave office on July 1st!

District Simplified Grants are easy ways to impact your community. Applications are due soon but are truly simple to prepare, so it's something for your club to consider. The grants are intended to help with short-term humanitarian or educational projects and the application is available at

Thanks in large part to the hard work of District Public Relations Chair Judy Hughes, District 6440 has been chosen to receive Rotary International's PR Grant for $10,000. Imagine the visibility this grant will give us. But to do the most good, Judy needs to hear from you. Please respond to her plea at

Thank you to all of you for what you do through Rotary. I wish you continued success in the new year, along with good health, happiness and lots of fellowship!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome, New Rotarians!

Welocome to these Rotarians who have recently joined clubs in our district: Michele Kinzler (Geneva); Steve Goranson (Evanston Lighthouse); and Wendy Thornton (Glenview-Sunrise).

We'll Be Spreading the Good News with a PR Grant from Rotary International

Gov. Pam Kerr was notified on December 22 that a 2008-09 Rotary International PR grant has been awarded to District 6440. The district is fortunate to have been chosen from among the more than half of all the Rotary districts worldwide that applied for PR grants this year. The $10,000 grant must be used in the two-fold campaign described in our grant application. That campaign includes a printed insert in the Chicago-area Pioneer Press newspapers in March, and billboards.

The purpose of the insert is to reach people living in communities throughout our district who are potential members of one of our clubs, and those who will help support our club’s local projects and worldwide projects including Ending Polio Now.

The printed insert will include information about local clubs and the district, and it will contain at least two of the Rotary International-created Humanity In Motion promotional materials. To make this a viable project we need your input and participation now with information, stories and photos of your good work so that we can prepare the area-specific copy for the insert.
The written content for the insert will include, among other things:

· Local and international projects undertaken by clubs in our Rotary district
· Highlights of our District Humanitarian hands-on trips to Guatemala
· Youth Exchange, GSE and Scholarship programs and opportunities within District 6440
· The End Polio Now activities undertaken by our clubs
· The benefits of membership in Rotary

The insert will also contain advertising. Of course, Rotarians and clubs will be offered the opportunity to place advertisements in their targeted local area inserts. However, the advertising is not restricted to, or dependent upon, Rotarian participation.

The second part of the grant is for billboard advertising. The billboards will tell the story of District 6440 Rotarians working to make a difference in the community and the world. The billboards will display the RI-generated Humanity in Motion materials to an audience of thousands using the network of highways that intersect all portions of District 6440.

This dual PR campaign is designed to reach residents of the metropolitan Chicago area outside of the city limits. However, we expect to reach a broader national and potentially international audience, dependent upon billboard availability within the district near O’Hare.

Please sent all photos and club information to Judy Hughes at so your club will be included in the insert.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

District Simplified Grants Money Available

Funds remain for clubs which wish to apply for a DSG. This year, clubs who are current on paperwork from prior DSGs and who have sufficient contributions to The Rotary Foundation can apply for a second grant. Remember this money belongs to your club and can be used within your local community to promote the Rotary's mission of Service Above self. Funds are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Humanitarian Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 to approve completed applications received by that time. Please be sure to have your paperwork to Charlotte Ogorek no later than Friday, January 9, 2009. Any questions can be addressed to Charlotte at 847-823-6191 (phone), 847-823-0382 (fax) or We look forward to reviewing your application!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Rotarian Mentions Us!

The January issue of The Rotarian magazine includes advice on how to get a Foundation grant (page 39). In that article, Rotarians Raymond Zeiss (Wilmette) and Robert Lyon (Wheaton) are spotlighted. Both Rotarians received help from the District Humanitarian Grants Committee when their clubs were looking for money from The Rotary Foundation.

The Humanitarian Grants Committee is there to help every club in the district. Be sure to call on them when you're working on a Foundation grant.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tax Law Changes in 2009

There is a requirement that, at age 70 1/2, people with an IRA must make a minimum distribution from their IRA, even if they don't need the income. This can impact their tax bracket and result in paying tax on a distribution (income) they may not need.

But, there is a new law impacting people who have an IRA and have reached age 70 1/2. the new law permits individuals to make up to a $100,000.00 donation to a charity WITHOUT PAYING TAX on that money. For example, if you find yourself in this position, you could choose to make up to a $100,000 gift to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. This would meet the required minimum distribution without boosting your adjusted gross income and thus incurring extra income tax. And, since this donation gets tax benefits without being claimed as a deduction (you can't get tax credit in multiple ways), it makes good sense to use it before year end. (This provision disappears in 2010)- - This is for the 2008 and 2009 tax years only. - - It can only be done by a third party and the owner of the IRA cannot take possession of the distribution. - - It must be transferred from the IRA directly to the charity.

For more information contact Lucinda Kasperson, Permanent Fund Chair, District 6440 ( or 847-272-7275).

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kosi River Flooding Relief

District Governor Pam Kerr recently received this letter from the president of Rotary International and the chair of the Rotary Foundation Trustees:

We are deeply saddened to hear of the recent Kosi River and related flooding in India. Past RI President Raja Saboo has been working with Rotarian leaders in India to assess the situation and assist in coordinating relief and recovery efforts. To learn of this catastrophe that has taken the lives of more than 350 people and has affected the lives of millions is devastating.

We understand that this has been a time of numerous disasters and we are touched by the commitment of Rotarians to assist affected communities in Haiti, Turks and Caicos, and Texas and Louisiana with relief and recovery efforts following Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricanes Gustav, Ike and Hanna. We thank you for your dedication to helping these communities during a time of such need.

We realize that news of the Kosi River and related flooding after torrential rainfall from heavy monsoons that caused a dam to burst in southern Nepal was not widely reported in some countries due to these other disasters. However, Rotarians in India are calling out for assistance, and given the challenge of sending contributions to India due to currency restrictions, we are writing with information about how you may work through Rotary to make a contribution toward alleviating this humanitarian crisis. To learn of the magnitude of this disaster and how local clubs are assisting with relief efforts, we encourage you to read the news story that RI Communications staff has posted to the RI Web site.

Although Rotary International does not have a fund to provide immediate relief to individuals in times of disaster, RI’s International Service Programs section provides resources regarding club and district disaster relief efforts on the RI Web site. Staff have been working with clubs in India to post projects on Rotary’s RI projects database, ProjectLINK. Rotarians wishing to contribute funds and/or donated goods directly to club and district relief projects may visit the Web site for opportunities to work with Rotarians in the affected areas. (Please note that contributions do not qualify for Rotary Foundation recognition of any kind.) Contributions to support relief and recovery efforts for the Kosi River flooding projects posted on ProjectLINK can be sent through RI, and staff will work with the India International Office to ensure that funds are received by the local clubs implementing projects.

We also encourage you to work with organizations such as UNICEF and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Doctors Without Borders and the grassroots Rotary project, ShelterBox, to meet the immediate needs of victims affected by these disasters.

It is our hope that with your meaningful and rapid response to this appeal, you will be able to help rebuild the future for thousands of innocent people impacted by these crises. Thank you for your commitment to helping disaster victims. It is Rotarians like you who truly "Make Dreams Real."

D.K. Lee, President
Rotary International

Jonathan B. Majiyagbe, Trustee Chairman
The Rotary Foundation

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

RYLA is an incredibly popular program among young people. Your club can help a teenager have the experience of working with his or her peers to develop leadership skills by sponsoring that person for one of the upcoming conferences (March 12 - 15, 2009 and April 9 - 12, 2009).

With applications due by February 15th, now is the time to identify candidates. Please review the information at and look for prospective participants. You could change a life!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Circularization and Commercialization

Rotary International's Code of Policies prohibits using a Rotary membership list as a mailing (or emailing) list for a non-Rotary purpose.

Because our district’s membership directory is online and it is not possible to include the required notice below as required by the Rotary International Code of Policies, we include it here and periodically publish it in our newsletter for your information. These policies concern circularization or the solicitation of Rotarians and Rotary clubs for organizational or commercial solicitation purposes. If you have a question about how you can use a Rotary club or district membership directory, please consult your club's board of directors.

11.030. Circularization

11.030.1.…it is not permissible for a Rotarian to circularize Rotary clubs or other Rotarians on matters affecting his or her individual business interests.

11.030.4. Club and District Directories

Any club or district publishing a directory shall publish in that directory a notice to the effect that the directory is not for distribution to non-Rotarians nor may it be used as a commercial mailing list. (November 2004 Mg., Bd. Dec. 59)

Source: June 1936 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 275; Amended by November 2004 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 59

The full policy is available at

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Guatemala Trip Openings

From February 29th to March 9th, people from our district will be working in Ak' Tenamit, Guatemala, on a service trip. The trip filled up quickly, but there are now two openings. Please read the information at to see if you'd like to join the group. Past trips have proven to be rewarding experiences for the Rotarians, family members and friends who've done so much to help people on the east coast of Guatemala.

Rotary International Presidential Membership Conference

The 2008 - 2009 Rotary International Presidential Membership Conference will be held in the Phoenix area January 10 & 11, 2009. Current Rotary President D. K. Lee and incoming President Ray Klinginsmith will attend, along with Past President Cliff Dochterman and other membership experts.

This conference is open to any Rotarian interested in helping Rotary grow. With agenda items like "Regional Membership Trends," "How to Become a Younger Rotary" and "Sharing the Best Practices," it should be a great event. It will take place at the Hilton - Phoenix East - Mesa.

Please visit for all the details.